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DRYmedic Blog

Memorial Weekend Done Right

May 27, 2022

Memorial Weekend Done Right

Memorial day'shistoryis one of pure American pride and gratitude, and most of us celebrate it every year! It means a long weekend, seeing family, and having fun in the sun. We want you to have a safe Memorial Day this year, so here's some ways to celebrate safely! Grilling- It's a great day to hit the grill and serve up some burgers to the family, always minimize the risk of a grill ...

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Reveal! That! Asbestos!

May 13, 2022

Reveal! That! Asbestos!

We know that asbestos has a tendency to hide so how do you knowit'seven there? Lets reveal what's hiddenin a way that doesn't harm your health and keeps your family safe. Age- Homes built before 1980may have possibly used asbestos during construction as it has fire resistant properties and was used in the homes foundation building. Many components of a home had asbestos products used including: Blown-in attic insulation Vinyl floor tiles ...

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Spring Is Renovation Time!

May 13, 2022

Spring Is Renovation Time!

Spring Is Renovation Time! Whether you're doing renovations yourself or hiring contractors, you've got to ask yourself some realistic questions first. If you are renovating because of a disaster you may not have a choice when it comes to timing, but you do have a choice in how you remodel. We've collected all the tips and tricks to makeyour life easier. In Style- Of course you should always suit your home to ...

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Sewage Backup Disasters Can Create Home Health Hazards

May 5, 2022

Sewage Backup Disasters Can Create Home Health Hazards

Most homeowners dread the thought of sewage backups. While major plumbing problems can be inconvenient and cause extensive damage to properties, sewer backups are particularly worrying, as they can create home health hazards. In this informative article, well discuss what causes sewer backups, explain the implications and offer tips to help you if you need urgent advice. What Causes Sewage Backup? There are several possible causes of sewage backup, including: Structural wear and damage Flushing ...

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Homeowners Toolkit 101

May 4, 2022

Homeowners Toolkit 101

Homeowners Toolkit 101 You don't need a tool until you really, really need one, so as a new homeowner what should you have in your tool box? We're going to go through the necessities and how to make them last a lifetime. Quality Over Quantity- Your main set of tools doesn't need to be very expensive, but they should be ofgood quality.You will use these tools over and over and they ...

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How Old Is Your Home?

May 4, 2022

How Old Is Your Home?

Who Wins, Old VS New? There are Pro's and Con's to older homes and new builds that you'll take into consideration when buying a new house. Whether it's a vintage look, garden in the yard, or cozy reading nooks there is a perfect home out there for everyone! How Much Does it Matter?- When looking for a home does its age really matter? The answer is yes depending on what you ...

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Spring Cleaning Szn

May 4, 2022

Spring Cleaning Szn

Knock Knock, It's Spring Now that the weather is taking a turn, everyone has the cleaning spirit. It's time to get down and dirty and do the real spring cleaning. Sometimes when dirt is out of site and out of mind, we forget all the little things we have to clean. Which is why we made you a spring cleaning checklist! Restock Supplies- Have all yourcleaning suppliesin one place or even in a ...

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Tornado Season Has Begun

May 4, 2022

Tornado Season Has Begun

Tornado Season Has Begun While the odds of a huge tornado tearing down your home seem slim, we can assure you it's not. Whether an emergency is guaranteed to occur or not you should be prepared for anything. Always go over your emergency plans with your family as well! Sound The Alarms- As you can see above, there are two notifications of a tornado, a tornado watch means it is possible one may be ...

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What Is A Slab Leak?

May 4, 2022

What Is A Slab Leak?

What Is A Slab Leak? We all know if the foundation of your home is damaged, it's not good news. A slab leak can be more damaging than a regular pipe burst, but if you catch it quick you can minimize the damage it may have to your foundation. What is a Slab Leak? A slab is a single concrete base and is the foundation your home sits on. A slab leak is a ...

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Home History Lesson: Asbestos

March 31, 2022

Home History Lesson: Asbestos

How The "Old Ways" Were Wrong The world and its science changes all the time so of course practices become outdated. Home construction is no different, building codes change all the time! At some point asbestos was used in home construction and now that we know it's harmful to our health is has been removed, but lets take a look into how that changed. Home History Lesson Where Does It Come From- Asbestos is ...

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