Reveal! That! Asbestos!
May 13, 2022

We know that asbestos has a tendency to hide so how do you knowit'seven there? Lets reveal what's hiddenin a way that doesn't harm your health and keeps your family safe.
Homes built before 1980may have possibly used asbestos during construction as it has fire resistant properties and was used in the homes foundation building.
Many components of a home had asbestos products used including:
- Blown-in attic insulation
- Vinyl floor tiles
- Glue that attaches floor tiles to concrete or wood
- Some forms of linoleum
- Window caulking and glazing
- Roofing material (usually on flat roofs, but occasionally on shingles)
- HVAC duct insulation (usually found in corrugated or flat paper form)
- Siding material
- Plaster
- Fiber cement siding (usually 1/8 " thick and 8'x4' brittle)
- Corrugated heavy duty 8'x4' panels
- Some forms of paint
Never, EVER try to test or remove asbestos yourself, not only can it harm your health, in some states it isactuallyillegalto do yourself. Proper protective equipment needs to be worn since asbestos can cause mesothelioma and other severe lung damage. Call an asbestos removal company (like ourselves) to test for asbestos before deciding on anything. If there has been damage like a leak and you have any concerns that your insulation could possibly contain asbestos, testing is the first step to fixing the issue. One asbestos is ruled out you can move forward, but if it is found that is the number one concern of the moment to keep your family safe.
Damage Opens it Up-
Asbestos can be hidden and contained in a portion of your home for years, but once adamage occursit could allow asbestos to be exposed. Once it is exposed to the air it can be inhaled by residents and harm their health. If you have any damage to your home approachcautiously and consider calling an asbestos testingcompany before doing any repair work.
DIY Danger-
We are always here for a DIY, they save you money and teach you new skills. With all the creativejuices flowing, sometimes safety takes a back seat in our minds, accidentallyrevealing asbestos during a DIY renovationbreaking through drywall or replacing a pipe is very common. Stick to what you know ifyou're not sure of the safety threats and always work cautiously and with protective gear on just in case!
(P.S) If you are thinking of selling your home, consider doingthorough asbestos and mold testing to assure new buyers that your home is safe to live in.