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DRYmedic Blog

What Is Storm Surge?

September 3, 2024

What Is Storm Surge?

Storm surge is a rise in seawater level caused by a storm, typically a hurricane or tropical cyclone. It occurs when strong winds from the storm push water toward the shore, leading to higher-than-normal sea levels. This can result in significant flooding, especially in coastal areas.  We’ll explain what causes storm surge, how to prepare for it, and the impact it can have on coastal areas. Causes of Storm Surges A few factors usually ...

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Entendiendo el Asbesto: Qué Es y Cómo Manejarlo de Manera Segura

August 30, 2024

Entendiendo el Asbesto: Qué Es y Cómo Manejarlo de Manera Segura

El asbesto fue una vez un material comúnmente utilizado en la construcción debido a su durabilidad y resistencia al calor. Sin embargo, ahora se sabe que es un grave riesgo para la salud. Entender qué es el asbesto y cómo manejarlo de manera segura es crucial para los propietarios de viviendas y administradores de propiedades.  ¿Qué es el Asbesto?  El asbesto es un grupo de minerales fibrosos de origen natural conocidos por su resistencia al ...

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Understanding Asbestos: What It Is and How to Handle It Safely

August 23, 2024

Understanding Asbestos: What It Is and How to Handle It Safely

Asbestos was once a common material used in construction due to its durability and resistance to heat. However, it is now known to be a serious health hazard. Understanding what asbestos is and how to handle it safely is crucial for homeowners and property managers.  What is Asbestos?  Asbestos is a group of naturally occurring fibrous minerals known for their fire resistance, strength, and insulating properties. It was widely used in building materials such as ...

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Las 5 Principales Señales de Moho en Su Hogar y Cuándo Llamar a DRYmedic Restoration

August 16, 2024

Las 5 Principales Señales de Moho en Su Hogar y Cuándo Llamar a DRYmedic Restoration

El moho puede ser un problema serio en cualquier hogar, representando riesgos para la salud y dañando la propiedad. Reconocer las señales tempranas de moho y saber cuándo llamar a profesionales puede hacer toda la diferencia. Aquí están las 5 principales señales de moho en su hogar y cómo DRYmedic Restoration puede ayudarlo a abordarlas de manera efectiva.  1. Olor a Moho Persistente Un olor a moho que no desaparece suele ser una señal reveladora ...

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Top 5 Signs of Mold in Your Home and When to Call DRYmedic Restoration

August 9, 2024

Top 5 Signs of Mold in Your Home and When to Call DRYmedic Restoration

Mold can be a serious issue in any home, posing health risks and damaging property. Recognizing the early signs of mold and knowing when to call professionals can make all the difference. Here are the top 5 signs of mold in your home and how DRYmedic Restoration can help you address them effectively.  1. Persistent Musty Odor A musty smell that doesn’t go away is often a telltale sign of mold. This odor is ...

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Understanding the Differences Between Water Mitigation and Restoration

August 6, 2024

Understanding the Differences Between Water Mitigation and Restoration

Water mitigation and restoration may sound similar, but they aren't the same thing! Let's talk about why water damage is such a concern for homeowners, the key differences between water mitigation and water restoration, and some of the myths about water mitigation and restoration. Understanding Water Damage Water damage is one of the most insidious threats a homeowner can face, whether it's from a burst pipe, a leaky roof, or a natural ...

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Manteniéndose Seguro en el Calor: Consejos para Proteger su Hogar y Familia Durante las Olas de Calor del Verano

July 22, 2024

Manteniéndose Seguro en el Calor: Consejos para Proteger su Hogar y Familia Durante las Olas de Calor del Verano

A medida que el verano se calienta, es crucial proteger su hogar y seres queridos de las altas temperaturas. Aquí están los consejos esenciales para enfrentar el calor y mantenerse seguro: Mantenga Su Hogar Fresco Use Ventiladores y Aire Acondicionado: Asegúrese de que sus sistemas de enfriamiento funcionen eficientemente. Use ventiladores para circular el aire y considere usar aire acondicionado durante las horas de calor más intenso. Cierre Cortinas y Persianas: Mantenga las cortinas y ...

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When Is Tornado Season?

July 15, 2024

When Is Tornado Season?

Tornados are one of the most devastating weather events Mother Nature throws our way.  A 2011 tornado in Joplin, Missouri resulted in 161 deaths, over 1,000 injuries, and billions of dollars in damage. Two years later, a tornado in Moore, Oklahoma caused 24 deaths and destroyed hundreds of homes and public buildings, including schools. The impact of tornado damage underscores the importance of emergency preparedness, early warning systems, and restoration and recovery in the ...

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Staying Safe in the Heat: Tips to Protect Your Home and Family During Summer Heatwaves

July 15, 2024

Staying Safe in the Heat: Tips to Protect Your Home and Family During Summer Heatwaves

As summer heats up, it’s crucial to safeguard your home and loved ones from the scorching temperatures. Here are essential tips to beat the heat and stay safe: Keep Your Home Cool Use Fans and Air Conditioning: Ensure your cooling systems are working efficiently. Use fans to circulate air and consider using air conditioning during peak heat hours. Close Curtains and Blinds: Keep curtains and blinds closed during the hottest part of the day ...

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Emergency Preparedness for Summer: What to Do After a Fire or Flood

July 8, 2024

Emergency Preparedness for Summer: What to Do After a Fire or Flood

Experiencing a fire or flood can be devastating, especially during summer, when extreme weather can increase these risks. Knowing what steps to take immediately after such events can make a significant difference in minimizing damage and ensuring safety for you and your loved ones. Here’s a guide to help you navigate these emergencies, focusing on how DRYmedic in Portland can assist with their 24/7 emergency response. 1. Ensure Safety First After a fire ...

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