DRYmedic Blog

Qué hacer cuando descubres moho en tu hogar

May 20, 2024

Qué hacer cuando descubres moho en tu hogar

Descubrir moho en tu hogar puede ser preocupante, pero con el enfoque adecuado, puedes abordar el problema de manera efectiva. Aquí tienes una guía paso a paso para ayudarte a combatir el moho y recuperar tu hogar: 1. Evalúa la situación Comienza evaluando la extensión del crecimiento de moho. Toma nota del tamaño del área afectada y si parece ser superficial o más extensa, posiblemente oculta detrás de paredes o pisos. Aunque no todo el ...

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What to Do When You've Discovered Mold in Your Home

May 16, 2024

What to Do When You've Discovered Mold in Your Home

Discovering mold in your home can be concerning, but with the right approach, you can tackle the issue effectively. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you combat mold and reclaim your home: 1. Assess the Situation Begin by evaluating the extent of the mold growth. Take note of the size of the affected area and whether it appears to be surface-level or more extensive, potentially hiding behind walls or flooring. While not all mold ...

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How Long Does It Take Water to Damage Wood Floors

May 15, 2024

How Long Does It Take Water to Damage Wood Floors

Water damage is a nightmare for any homeowner, especially when it comes to wood floors. Whether it's a burst pipe, a leaking appliance, or a natural disaster, the consequences of water damage can be devastating, and it’s important to address it quickly.  Let’s take a look at how long it takes water to damage wood floors, and what you should do about it if it happens in your home.  Understanding the Vulnerability ...

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Alergias de primavera y tu hogar: Consejos para minimizar los alérgenos en interiores

May 8, 2024

Alergias de primavera y tu hogar: Consejos para minimizar los alérgenos en interiores

A medida que florecen las flores y suben las temperaturas, la primavera trae una sensación de renovación y rejuvenecimiento a Portland. Sin embargo, para muchos residentes, también marca el inicio de las alergias estacionales, con polen, moho y otros alérgenos acechando tanto al aire libre como en interiores. Aunque no podemos controlar el recuento de polen afuera, hay medidas que podemos tomar para minimizar los alérgenos y mejorar la calidad del aire interior en nuestros ...

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Spring Allergies and Your Home: Tips for Minimizing Allergens Indoors

May 2, 2024

Spring Allergies and Your Home: Tips for Minimizing Allergens Indoors

As the flowers bloom and the temperatures rise, spring brings a sense of renewal and rejuvenation to Portland. However, for many residents, it also marks the onset of seasonal allergies, with pollen, mold, and other allergens lurking both outdoors and indoors. While we can't control the pollen count outside, there are steps we can take to minimize allergens and improve indoor air quality in our homes. Here are some tips to help you breathe ...

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Understanding the Dangers of Black Water

May 1, 2024

Understanding the Dangers of Black Water

Black water, also known as Category 3 water damage, refers to water that has been contaminated by fecal matter, urine, sewage, or other harmful substances. It poses significant health risks to humans and animals due to bacterial contamination, parasitic infections, disease transmission, chemical pollutants, and environmental damage. Let’s look at the impact Category 3 water damage can have on your home and health, and how we address it.  Understanding Category 3 Water Damage and ...

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Revelando la Remediación del Moho: Una Guía para Propietarios que Trabajan con DRYmedic

April 29, 2024

Revelando la Remediación del Moho: Una Guía para Propietarios que Trabajan con DRYmedic

El moho puede ser la pesadilla de un propietario, pero con DRYmedic de Portland a su lado, puede navegar por el proceso de remediación con confianza. En este blog, lo guiaremos a través de qué esperar al asociarse con nosotros para abordar problemas de moho en su hogar, desde la evaluación hasta la prevención. Entendiendo el Moho: El Primer Paso Descubrir moho en su hogar puede ser alarmante, pero tenga la seguridad de que no ...

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What Does Hail Damage Look Like on a Roof?

April 22, 2024

What Does Hail Damage Look Like on a Roof?

Mother Nature can be as dangerous as she is unpredictable. Severe storms are not only personal safety hazards – these weather emergencies can seriously damage your home or business. While tornadoes and hurricanes get the most publicity, hail storms can be a major concern as well. Let’s talk about the damage hail can cause to your roof, and the steps you should take if that happens to you.   Understanding How Hail Damage Happens During a ...

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Mold Remediation Unveiled: A Homeowner's Guide to Working with DRYmedic

April 18, 2024

Mold Remediation Unveiled: A Homeowner's Guide to Working with DRYmedic

Mold can be a homeowner's worst nightmare, but with DRYmedic of {location_name} by your side, you can navigate the remediation process with confidence. In this blog, we'll walk you through what to expect when partnering with us to address mold issues in your home, from assessment to prevention. Understanding Mold: The First Step Discovering mold in your home can be alarming, but rest assured, you're not alone. At DRYmedic, we understand the ...

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What to Do After a House Fire

April 12, 2024

What to Do After a House Fire

A house fire can be overwhelming and traumatic.  Beyond the physical damage to your property and the resulting losses, the emotional toll can be immense. However, in the aftermath of such an event, you need to take prompt and decisive action to ensure the safety of yourself, your family, and your property.  We’re sharing our comprehensive guide on what homeowners should do after a home fire. Step 1: Immediately After a House Fire Safety ...

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