DRYmedic Blog

Presentamos el Servicio de Eliminación de Manchas en el Ático de DRYmedic

April 9, 2024

Presentamos el Servicio de Eliminación de Manchas en el Ático de DRYmedic

Como agente inmobiliario o propietario, comprendes la importancia de presentar una casa bajo su mejor luz, especialmente al vender. Por eso, estamos emocionados de presentar el Servicio de Eliminación de Manchas en el Ático de DRYmedic de Portland. Diseñado para refrescar y revitalizar tu espacio en el ático, nuestro proceso ofrece una solución rápida y efectiva para abordar las manchas que a menudo son confundidas por moho por los inspectores de viviendas. Qué Esperar: 1 ...

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Elevate Your Home's Appeal: Introducing DRYmedic's Attic Stain Removal Service

April 3, 2024

Elevate Your Home's Appeal: Introducing DRYmedic's Attic Stain Removal Service

As a realtor or homeowner, you understand the importance of presenting a home in its best light, especially when it comes to selling. That's why we're excited to introduce DRYmedic of Portland's specialized Attic Stain Removal Service. Designed to refresh and revitalize your attic space, our process offers a quick and effective solution to address staining often mistaken for mold by home inspectors. What to Expect: 1. Professional Setup: We know first ...

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Recuperaciones en la Bocina: Respuesta Rápida de DRYmedic ante Emergencias por Daños de Agua

March 27, 2024

Recuperaciones en la Bocina: Respuesta Rápida de DRYmedic ante Emergencias por Daños de Agua

En el impredecible juego de ser propietario, emergencias inesperadas por daños de agua pueden ocurrir como un repentino tiro ganador en el baloncesto. Ingresa a DRYmedic de Portland, tu equipo definitivo para una recuperación rápida y decisiva. Tan Veloz como un Tiro Ganador: Así como un tiro ganador puede cambiar el rumbo en un juego de baloncesto, DRYmedic transforma la narrativa cuando los daños de agua amenazan tu hogar. Nuestra respuesta rápida es la MVP ...

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Buzzer-Beater Recoveries: DRYmedic's Swift Response to Water Damage Emergencies

March 21, 2024

Buzzer-Beater Recoveries: DRYmedic's Swift Response to Water Damage Emergencies

In the unpredictable game of homeownership, unexpected water damage emergencies can strike like a sudden buzzer-beater in basketball. Enter DRYmedic of Portland, your ultimate team for swift and decisive recovery.  Swift as a Buzzer-Beater: Just as a buzzer-beater can turn the tide in a basketball game, DRYmedic transforms the narrative when water damage threatens your home. Our rapid response is the MVP of recovery, ensuring minimal damage and a faster return to normalcy. Why Speed ...

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Navegando por la Montaña Rusa del Tiempo en Portland: Protegiendo tu Hogar de los Daños por Agua

March 14, 2024

Navegando por la Montaña Rusa del Tiempo en Portland: Protegiendo tu Hogar de los Daños por Agua

En la secuela de las inesperadas tormentas de hielo y frío extremo de enero, los habitantes de Portland se encontraron a merced de Punxsutawney Phil, esperando el veredicto sobre la llegada de una primavera temprana. Ya sea que tomes en serio las predicciones del marmota o no, lo que se desarrolló en el área metropolitana de Portland durante febrero fue sorprendente. Más días soleados y cálidos nos brindaron de lo esperado, un fuerte contraste con ...

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Navigating Portland's Weather Rollercoaster: Protecting Your Home from Water Damage

March 5, 2024

Navigating Portland's Weather Rollercoaster: Protecting Your Home from Water Damage

In the aftermath of January's unexpected ice storms and extreme cold, Portlanders found themselves at the mercy of Punxsutawney Phil, awaiting the verdict on the arrival of an early spring. Whether you take the groundhog's predictions to heart or not, what unfolded in the Portland metro area during February was nothing short of surprising. More sunny and warm days graced us than anticipated, a stark contrast to the weather patterns of years past ...

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Filing an Insurance Claim? You Don’t Need to Use Your Insurance Company’s Restoration Partner

March 4, 2024

Filing an Insurance Claim? You Don’t Need to Use Your Insurance Company’s Restoration Partner

If you’re dealing with something catastrophic, like a house fire or flood damage, you’re likely going to be working with your insurance company to file a claim so you can recoup your losses and restore your home.  Your insurance company may refer you to a restoration company they partner with for these types of situations.  The reality is, most insurance companies work with preferred contractors to save money, because the contractors agree to ...

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How to Get Rid of Mold in the Attic

March 1, 2024

How to Get Rid of Mold in the Attic

Mold in your attic can go undetected for a long time, leading to potential health hazards and structural damage if you don’t address it quickly enough.  Let’s talk about some of the causes of attic mold, plus why it’s important to remove it promptly and what the mold remediation process looks like. Understanding the Causes of Attic Mold Numerous things can cause attic mold, including: Poor ventilation: Inadequate ventilation in the attic ...

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Breath of Fresh Air: Enhancing Indoor Air Quality

February 28, 2024

Breath of Fresh Air: Enhancing Indoor Air Quality

La calidad del aire interior (IAQ) es fundamental para la comodidad y el bienestar en casa. Aquí tienes consejos simples para mejorar la IAQ, con información sobre cómo DRYmedic puede abordar problemas de humedad y moho si es necesario. 1. La Ventilación Importa: Asegúrate de una ventilación adecuada abriendo regularmente ventanas y puertas. Esto reduce los contaminantes internos y circula aire fresco. 2. Controla los Niveles de Humedad: Utiliza deshumidificadores para mantener una humedad óptima ...

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What is a Good Humidity Level for a Home?

February 27, 2024

What is a Good Humidity Level for a Home?

When you think about humidity, you might think of how the air feels outside. We tend to think of humidity as a problem in the summer when the weather is hot and sticky. But as uncomfortable as outdoor humidity can be, indoor humidity can be an even bigger problem. Let’s look at what is a good indoor humidity level for a home. Why Indoor Humidity Levels Matter Your indoor humidity levels matter for a ...

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