DRYmedic Blog

How Dangerous is Asbestos?

February 23, 2024

How Dangerous is Asbestos?

If your home or business hasn’t been renovated since the 1980s, there’s a good chance there are asbestos-containing materials within the building.  Once commonly used across the world as a building material, asbestos is now associated with several health conditions. But how dangerous is asbestos? We explore the origins of asbestos, the health risks, and regulations surrounding use of this mineral.  The Origins of Asbestos Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that has ...

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Breathe Easy: Quick Tips for Improving Indoor Air Quality at Home

February 20, 2024

Breathe Easy: Quick Tips for Improving Indoor Air Quality at Home

Indoor air quality (IAQ) plays a crucial role in your home's comfort and your well-being. Here are simple tips to enhance IAQ, with insights into how DRYmedic of Portland can help address humidity and mold issues if needed. 1. Ventilation Matters: Ensure proper ventilation by regularly opening windows and doors. This helps in reducing indoor pollutants and circulating fresh air. 2. Control Humidity Levels: Use dehumidifiers to maintain optimal humidity (around 30-50%). This prevents ...

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Abordando Desafíos del Moho Después de Clima Severo

February 14, 2024

Abordando Desafíos del Moho Después de Clima Severo

Después de las tormentas y fuertes lluvias de las condiciones meteorológicas severas, no es raro que los hogares enfrenten un desafío persistente: el crecimiento de moho. Después del evento, estar al tanto de posibles problemas de moho y comprender cómo abordarlos es crucial. Esta guía, presentada por el experimentado equipo de DRYmedic de Portland, tiene como objetivo proporcionar a los propietarios información valiosa sobre cómo reconocer, prevenir y abordar de manera efectiva el crecimiento de ...

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Addressing Mold Challenges Post-Severe Weather

February 6, 2024

Addressing Mold Challenges Post-Severe Weather

After the storms and heavy rains of severe weather, it's not uncommon for homes to face a lingering challenge: mold growth. In the aftermath, being aware of potential mold issues and understanding how to address them is crucial. This guide, brought to you by the experienced team at DRYmedic of Portland, aims to provide homeowners with valuable insights into recognizing, preventing, and effectively dealing with mold growth post-severe weather. Recognizing the Telltale Signs: Musty ...

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Pasos Rápidos para la Recuperación Después de un Clima Severo

January 29, 2024

Pasos Rápidos para la Recuperación Después de un Clima Severo

Los desastres pueden ocurrir en cualquier momento, dejando su propiedad vulnerable y necesitada de atención inmediata. En DRYmedic de Portland, entendemos la urgencia de estas situaciones, y nuestros servicios de emergencia están diseñados para brindar alivio de inmediato justo cuando más lo necesita. 1. Extracción de Agua de Emergencia y Secado: Nuestra respuesta rápida incluye procesos eficientes de extracción de agua y secado. Prevenir el crecimiento de moho y minimizar daños adicionales es nuestra máxima ...

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Quick Recovery Steps After Severe Weather Strikes

January 26, 2024

Quick Recovery Steps After Severe Weather Strikes

Disasters can happen unexpectedly, leaving your property in urgent need of attention. At DRYmedic of Portland, we comprehend the urgency of such situations, and our emergency services are tailored to offer immediate relief precisely when you need it most. 1. Emergency Water Extraction and Drying: Our prompt response includes efficient water extraction and drying procedures. Our top priority is to prevent mold growth and minimize further damage. 2. Emergency Board Up: Securing your property is ...

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Vacation Preparation Checklist

January 22, 2024

Vacation Preparation Checklist

Planning a vacation this year? Getting your home ready should be part of your preparation! We've teamed up with our sister brands One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning, Benjamin Franklin Plumbing, Mister Sparky Electric, and Screenmobile to put together this handy Vacation Preparation Checklist! Schedule an HVAC tune-up. This ensures there are no surprise HVAC disasters while you are gone. Ensure all vents throughout your home are open and clear so no part of the ...

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How to Keep Claim Costs Down: A Guide to Quick and Effective Water Damage Response

January 17, 2024

How to Keep Claim Costs Down: A Guide to Quick and Effective Water Damage Response

Responding Swiftly to Water Damage Water damage is a silent menace that can wreak havoc on your property if not addressed promptly. Even a slow drip can lead to the wastage of 15 to 20 gallons a day, and a pinhole-sized leak can result in the loss of 100 gallons within 24 hours. Swift response is crucial to mitigating these issues and keeping claim costs down. The Impact of Permeable Materials Permeable materials and contents ...

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Abordando los Desafíos del Moho en Portland: Un Enfoque Personalizado

January 11, 2024

Abordando los Desafíos del Moho en Portland: Un Enfoque Personalizado

El moho puede convertirse en un compañero no deseado en los hogares de Portland, especialmente durante nuestros meses frescos y húmedos cuando la humedad excesiva es común. La acción rápida es crucial, ya que el moho puede instalarse rápidamente, causando daños y riesgos potenciales para la salud de tu familia. Si te enfrentas a un problema de moho, es importante abordarlo prontamente para prevenir su propagación. Considera comunicarte con un equipo local como DRYmedic de ...

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Tackling Mold Challenges in Portland: A Personalized Approach

January 9, 2024

Tackling Mold Challenges in Portland: A Personalized Approach

Mold can be an unwelcome companion in Portland homes, especially during our cool, damp months when excess moisture is common. Swift action is vital, as mold can quickly take hold, causing damage and potential health risks for your family. If you're dealing with a mold issue, it's important to address it promptly to prevent further spread. Consider reaching out to a local team like DRYmedic of Portland, where our experts bring over 14 ...

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