DRYmedic Blog

Seguro de Hogar: Lo que Todo Propietario Necesita Saber

April 12, 2024

Seguro de Hogar: Lo que Todo Propietario Necesita Saber

Como propietario de vivienda, asegurar que su propiedad esté adecuadamente protegida es primordial. El seguro de hogar actúa como una red de seguridad financiera, ofreciendo cobertura para daños inesperados, pérdidas y responsabilidades. Sin embargo, navegar por las complejidades de las pólizas de seguro de hogar puede ser desafiante. En este blog, exploraremos la información esencial que todo propietario necesita saber sobre la cobertura de seguros, incluyendo terminología clave, tipos de cobertura y consideraciones importantes. Tipos ...

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Home Insurance: What Every Homeowner Needs to Know

April 4, 2024

Home Insurance: What Every Homeowner Needs to Know

As a homeowner, ensuring that your property is adequately protected is paramount. Home insurance serves as a financial safety net, offering coverage for unexpected damages, losses, and liabilities. However, navigating the intricacies of home insurance policies can be daunting. In this blog, we'll delve into the essential information every homeowner needs to know about insurance coverage, including key terminology, coverage types, and important considerations. Understanding Coverage Types: Home insurance typically consists of several types ...

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March Mold Madness: Beating Mold Growth in Your Home

March 19, 2024

March Mold Madness: Beating Mold Growth in Your Home

As spring unfolds in Salem, it's crucial to grasp the intricate causes of mold growth exacerbated by changing weather conditions. Explore the factors contributing to March Mold Madness in this blog and gain valuable insights from DRYmedic on preventing and tackling mold issues. Unraveling the Causes of Mold Growth: Spring in Oregon introduces varying temperatures and increased moisture, setting the stage for mold growth. Let's delve into the specific conditions promoting mold spore ...

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Protección contra las Inclemencias del Tiempo en Primavera: Preparando tu Hogar en Salem para el Cambio de Estación

March 13, 2024

Protección contra las Inclemencias del Tiempo en Primavera: Preparando tu Hogar en Salem para el Cambio de Estación

A medida que Oregón se adentra en marzo, el clima impredecible plantea desafíos únicos para los propietarios en Salem. En DRYmedic de Salem entendemos la importancia de preparar tu hogar para las estaciones cambiantes. Vamos a explorar los aspectos clave del acondicionamiento para la primavera para asegurar que tu hogar siga siendo un refugio. Entendiendo los Desafíos Climáticos en Salem: Marzo en Salem trae una mezcla de lluvias, sol ocasional y el persistente frescor del ...

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Springtime Weatherproofing: Preparing Your Home for Changing Seasons

March 4, 2024

Springtime Weatherproofing: Preparing Your Home for Changing Seasons

As Oregon transitions into March, the unpredictable weather poses unique challenges for Salem homeowners. At DRYmedic of Salem, we understand the importance of preparing your home for the changing seasons. Let's delve into the key aspects of springtime weatherproofing to ensure your home remains a sanctuary. Understanding Salem's Weather Challenges: March in Salem brings a mix of rain showers, occasional sunshine, and lingering winter coolness. This dynamic weather can take a toll on ...

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Filing an Insurance Claim? You Don’t Need to Use Your Insurance Company’s Restoration Partner

March 4, 2024

Filing an Insurance Claim? You Don’t Need to Use Your Insurance Company’s Restoration Partner

If you’re dealing with something catastrophic, like a house fire or flood damage, you’re likely going to be working with your insurance company to file a claim so you can recoup your losses and restore your home.  Your insurance company may refer you to a restoration company they partner with for these types of situations.  The reality is, most insurance companies work with preferred contractors to save money, because the contractors agree to ...

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How to Get Rid of Mold in the Attic

March 1, 2024

How to Get Rid of Mold in the Attic

Mold in your attic can go undetected for a long time, leading to potential health hazards and structural damage if you don’t address it quickly enough.  Let’s talk about some of the causes of attic mold, plus why it’s important to remove it promptly and what the mold remediation process looks like. Understanding the Causes of Attic Mold Numerous things can cause attic mold, including: Poor ventilation: Inadequate ventilation in the attic ...

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What is a Good Humidity Level for a Home?

February 27, 2024

What is a Good Humidity Level for a Home?

When you think about humidity, you might think of how the air feels outside. We tend to think of humidity as a problem in the summer when the weather is hot and sticky. But as uncomfortable as outdoor humidity can be, indoor humidity can be an even bigger problem. Let’s look at what is a good indoor humidity level for a home. Why Indoor Humidity Levels Matter Your indoor humidity levels matter for a ...

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Clima y tu hogar: Protegiéndote contra el moho y la humedad

February 26, 2024

Clima y tu hogar: Protegiéndote contra el moho y la humedad

La lucha contra el moho y la humedad se vuelve crucial para los propietarios en las últimas semanas del invierno. La combinación de bajas temperaturas y calefacción interior puede crear un ambiente propicio para el crecimiento de moho y problemas de humedad. Proteger su hogar requiere un enfoque proactivo y la experiencia de profesionales como DRYmedic de Salem. Comprendiendo el Desafío del Moho: Ventilación es Clave: Asegure una ventilación adecuada usando extractores, abriendo ventanas periódicamente ...

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How Dangerous is Asbestos?

February 23, 2024

How Dangerous is Asbestos?

If your home or business hasn’t been renovated since the 1980s, there’s a good chance there are asbestos-containing materials within the building.  Once commonly used across the world as a building material, asbestos is now associated with several health conditions. But how dangerous is asbestos? We explore the origins of asbestos, the health risks, and regulations surrounding use of this mineral.  The Origins of Asbestos Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that has ...

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